While our eyes capture light signals, our visual world is created in the brain. Visual information from each eye is sent to areas all over the brain that identifies objects, color, names, movement, where the object is in space, depth, and more. Vision should operate clearly, comfortably, accurately, and effortlessly. Each eye should aim at the same target in space so that a person can judge depth correctly, which is important for driving, learning, playing sports, and much more.
If visual pathways from the eyes to the brain are not functioning properly, there is a disruption in how an individual sees their environment and interacts with it. These issues are most commonly noticed when they become serious enough to disrupt schoolwork, ease of learning or interfere with tasks at work. People do not outgrow these vision conditions if they have them as children. In fact, they typically worsen as school work becomes more challenging with higher grade levels.
Thankfully, with proper vision testing, visual deficits can be uncovered and vision therapy can remediate these conditions. The eyes are really an extension of our brain, and each part relies on the other to have clear, comfortable, accurate, and effortless vision.
Vision therapy is often associated with being beneficial for children, but adults can be just as successful in vision therapy in the Denver Metro area! Thanks to the brain’s lifelong neuroplasticity, patients of all ages can be treated. Old, dated research suggested that patients with visual deficiencies such as amblyopia and strabismus could not be treated past the age of eight. Recent research has since debunked this limited model of development. In fact, many children with untreated vision deficits often grow into adults with untreated vision deficits that they have learned to compensate with over the years.
While many vision therapy practices are oriented specifically towards the younger populations, we are just as comfortable and capable of seeing patients of all ages. Our team is incredibly experienced when it comes to treating adult patients with lifelong visual deficiencies, as well as working with these patients to overcome common compensations that they have developed over the years. Some of these compensations may include suppression of one eye, head tilts or turns, or avoidance of certain visually demanding activities. Also, some of the symptoms you may be experiencing include frequent headaches or migraines, eyestrain, mental or physical fatigue, poor reading comprehension, or motion sickness.
If you believe you are experiencing a binocular vision issue that could be helped by vision therapy, a Neuro-Vision Evaluation conducted by a Neuro Optometrist is the only means of getting a clear and accurate diagnosis. If you’re interested in better understanding the seriousness and severity of your symptoms, we encourage you to take our Vision Symptom Quiz.
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