Neurological vision disorders are caused by medical conditions that affect the nervous system. These conditions include stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, Lyme disease, or myasthenia gravis. The conditions can cause weakness in the small muscles that control the movements of the eyes and the binocular coordination of the eyes. These disorders may even impact the optic nerve itself, resulting in loss of central or peripheral vision.
Vision symptoms may include:
If you or a loved one experience any of the above symptoms, a Neuro-Vision Evaluation conducted by a Neuro Optometrist is the only means of getting a clear and accurate diagnosis. If you’re interested in better understanding the seriousness and severity of the symptoms you or a loved one are experiencing, we encourage you to take our Vision Symptom Quiz.
Dr. Talaber specializes in treating vision issues that cause the above symptoms. It’s important to work in a team-based approach when treating complex neurological conditions. Dr. Talaber coordinates care with neurologists, primary care doctors, physiatrists, therapists, and more to provide individuals with comprehensive care. Vision treatment incorporates individual goals, restoring as much functional vision as possible, through therapeutic lenses and neuro-optometric vision rehabilitation.
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